Whether you want to know how to tell a story in 2-minutes or less or understand why the 5 neurological responses are inherent in any good story, you've come to the right place! This section begins with the end in mind: How to tell a story in 2-minutes or less.
Ever struggle to tell a clear, compelling story in 2 minutes or less? Watch this week's Why Story Works episode of "So, what's your story?" for tips on how to tell a compelling story in under 2 minutes. Then download this outline with each step identified so you can create your own 2-minute story.
When we wrap our message in a story with visuals and even video, studies show that it is 22x's more likely to be remembered than facts or data alone. We need our stories now more than ever. That's Why Story Works.
Not sure how to move through Fear as a manager or presenter? Share a real, relevant story to tackle Fear head-on. Check out this week's Why Story Works episode of "So What's Your Story" where we show you how to harness cortisol and the Fear response through #storytelling. So, what's your story? Got a tip on how you navigate through Fear? Feel free to share. We need our stories now more than ever. That's Why Story Works.
Looking for ways to inspire your audience, your customer, your clients to fall in Love with you, your products, your brand? Tell stories that release Dopamine. Check out Why Story Works "So, What's Your Story?" episode where you'll discover ways to tell a story that will keep them coming back for more. For more on how to tell the Right Story, at the Right Time, to the Right Audience, to get the Right Results, be sure and subscribe to this channel.
Serotonin is that neurochemical in the brain that gets released when we feel calm. For ways to instill calm in your audience, check out this week's Why Story Works "So, What's Your Story?" episode. Got a tip for how to calm your audience? Feel free to share. We need our stories now more than ever. That's Why Story Works.
It's all about Empathy or the release of Oxytocin. This "So, What's Your Story?" episode, lets you all in to see behind the curtain. No Mask. No Filter. No Hero Winning the Day. Just a simple story about simply feeling like crap. Got a story about a time when you failed? Take a risk. Share it. What's the worst that can happen? The story's already happened to you. Why not share it so that it doesn't have to happen to somebody else? We need our stories now more than ever. That's Why Story Works.
Get your audience moving with a strong call to action as you release adrenaline.
"The habits you make are a direct result of the intentions you take."
It takes a minimum of 28 days to make a habit. Watch this video to learn more.
“Crafting Your Story & Bio To Attract Like-Minded Clients"
Craft a customized headline & bio you can put to work across various marketing platforms
The story is THE differentiator. It’s the trust builder.
Let's put it to work.
December 12th (9:30am - 12:30pm)