I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dr Robin Sargent, Ph.D. Instructional Designer Online learning of IDOL courses. This podcast was on the integration of storytelling for instructional design and delivery!
Click below to hear the whole episode!
TLDC ( The Learning and Development Community) invited Theresa Francomacaro to be part of their community day in April 2021 on Storytelling for Instructional Design, Learning & Development.
Theresa answered lots of questions including how she helps people with Story by activating the five neurological responses inherent in any good story; and , more specifically why stories are good for Training.
As you can imagine, the conversation was engaging and fun --- probably because Stories were the subject --- and Theresa and Luis shared a few.
Do you think story is important? Definitely.
Is it important specifically to your learning and development career? Most definitely.
Check out this thought provoking member spotlight interview through TLDC with Luis Malbas.
Theresa can help you refine your story as it pertains to your learners, SMEs, and your stakeholders.
In this episode of Vicki O'Neill's podcast, Connect the Dots, CEO of KenKay Marketing, Vicki O'Neill and Chief Storyteller of Why Story Works, Theresa Francomcaro, discuss how you can get your customers to know, like, turst, and buy via compelling stories.
Check out this episode of the #ifyouaskbetty podcast where Chief Storyteller of Why Story Works, Theresa Francomacaro, speaks about Imposter Syndrome and gives hope to cope.
Theresa Francomacaro, Chief Storyteller, and Vicki O'Neill, Chief Video Marketer, collaborate on a video podcast series after meeting over 2 years ago. This series is telling a story through our relationship which occurred over time in building trust. Start here with Part 1 in the Connect the Dots Video Podcast Series. (Click HERE for the full playlist)
“Crafting Your Story & Bio To Attract Like-Minded Clients"
Craft a customized headline & bio you can put to work across various marketing platforms
The story is THE differentiator. It’s the trust builder.
Let's put it to work.
September 10th (9:30am - 12:30pm)